Learnerships, Internships and Graduate Programmes
Learnerships, Internships and Graduate programmes, are strategic tools used to create your young talent pipeline and support your BBBEE scorecard. There are also many other benefits of implementing a well thought through programme in this sphere, such as alleviating the need for entry level employment, supporting your supplier or client base and the tax benefits introduced by SARS.
Work-based learning programmes (WBE programmes) and Work integrated learning programmes (WIL programmes) are high priority programmes for government and play a prominent role in BBBEE scorecard point allocation.
We eliminate the complexity of learnerships, internships and graduate programmes, by supporting you with the expertise and assistance to enable you to easily and successfully implement programmes.
We work with our clients to design and develop bespoke programmes to address their specific needs in the skills development sphere. Our services range from recruitment, assessment, matching, placing, designing the programme and its outcomes, training, to ensuring relevant practical experience, within or outside of the host company as well as post completion placements.
We understand the SETA, SARS and BBBEE reporting requirements and ensure that information is recorded to meet these requirements.




PLACEMENT (Suppliers and service providers incl. the Learning Alliance)


Finding suitable graduates who fit your organisation’s culture and meet your requirements are often a
daunting task.
Our team of experts source, assess and match suitable graduates for your graduate programmes.
We design a unique and memorable graduate journey that ensures your graduates are work
ready ambassadors of your organisation when they exit the programme.
We offer high-end graduate programme solutions, where each individual is developed according to
their strengths and weaknesses, in addition to the technical training and experience that they will receive.
Learnerships allow candidates to gain work experience in their selected field while studying for a recognized qualification. Internships are either formally implemented to complete a qualification by providing the practical component thought work experience or informally implemented to simply provide additional experience in the field of study. Depending on your requirements, we offer inhouse or off-site internships and learnerships, where you will act as the host employer to extend unemployed or employed candidates the opportunity to grow their skills set or obtain a formal qualification. We provide end-to-end management of the programme and engage with funders and your SETA on your behalf.
Learnerships and internships form an integral part of companies’ BBBEE scorecard.
For all our programmes, our services include:
- Recruitment, assessment , matching and placement of candidates
- Candidate contracting, induction and work-readiness programme
- Technical and behavioural skills development through a formal learnership or formal/informal internship
- Time, attendance, leave management, HR/IR services and payroll
- Coaching and mentoring of candidates
- Exit programme and placement services
We offer a variety of learnerships, of which our most popular options are:
- General Management NQF level 3, 4 or 5
- New Venture Creation NQF level 2 or 4
- Office administration NQF 3 or 4
- Debt collection NQF 4
Our learnerships and internships are implemented using a blended learning approach, which includes, face-to-face and online facilitation, e-learning and coaching.
- Facilitator: To facilitate the development of an employer’s skills development strategy
- Expert: To serve as an expert resource for accrediting the employer as a training provider and for the implementation of appropriate learnerships and skills programmes
- Administrator: To complete and submit the WSPs and ATRs
- Advisor: To advise the employers and employees on the National Skills Development Strategy and on the implementation of the WSP
- Education and needs evaluator: To assess the skills development needs of the organisations
- Mediator: To serve as a contact person between the employer and the relevant Seta
Our Agile project management approach is ideal for the rapid deployment of large-scale training interventions. Our large-scale intervention management capacity are differentiated into two service offerings namely:
- Exclusive large-scale training events
Training interventions or seminars for up to 500 individuals planned and executed faultlessly.
- Cross-sectoral annual training initiatives executed nationally
Learnerships, skills programmes or internships planned and rolled-out on behalf of an economic sector, project managed on behalf of various employers within the sector, with candidates being placed across the country.